İyilik İçin Sanat Derneği
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İyilik İçin Sanat Derneği


486.Sanat buluşmamızda Türkiye'nin klasik müzik rehberi, Bariton Serhan Bali ile House of Medusa'da bir arayayız.

1973 yılında Ankara'da doğan Serhan Bali, İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü'nden 1995 yılında mezun olduktan sonra aynı bölümde Prof. Dr. Deniz Ülke Arıboğan yatırımında yüksek lisans tezini tamamlamıştır. Toktamış Ateş'in de öğrencisi olan Bali, 2000'li yılların ilk yarısında Bilgi Üniversitesi'nde Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi derslerinden ayrılır. 1995-2002 yılları arasında özel sektördeki yönetim deneyiminin ardından 2002 yılında Türkiye’nin çağdaş standartlarda yayın yapan ulusal çaptaki ilk kalıcı klasik müzik alanında Andante ile kalıcı yayıncılık alanına giren Bali sürekli olarak 19 yıldır derginin genel yayın yönetimini sürdürmektedir. Klasik müzik ve seyahat yazıları 2001 yılından itibaren Radikal, Vatan, Hürriyet gazeteleri ve Atlas dergisinde yayımlanan Bali, Rengim Gökmen'in genel müdürü döneminde Devlet Opera ve Balesi Genel Müdürlüğü tarafından yayımlanan Opera-Bale Gazetesi'nin yayın yönetmenliğini de yapmıştır. 2017 yılında kitap yayımcılığına giren Bali, Kitap Kurdu markasıyla doğadan tarihe, edebiyattan sanata farklı hikayelerde kitaplar yayımlanmaktadır.

2011 yılından bu yana Fest Travel seyahat acentesinin müzik danışmanlığını yürüten Bali, her yıl planladığı turlarla dünyanın pek çok klasik müzik çalıştırılarak çıkartılan gezilerde gezgin klasik müzikseverlere rehberlik yapıyor. Bali'nin İstanbul'daki seminer/atölye kullanımıyla Klasik Batı Müziği seminerleri bugüne kadar binlerce kişiye ulaştı. 2010 yılında klasik müzik sanatçıları ve topluluklarını ödüllendirmeyle yola çıkan, ekibiyle birlikte Andante Klasik Müzik Ödülleri'ni başlatan Bali, 2011 yılından itibaren bu ödül organizasyonu Beyoğlu Belediyesi işbirliğiyle Donizetti Klasik Müzik Ödülleri adıyla ulusal çapta sürdürülmüştür. Bali, klasik müzik ödüllerinin uluslararası çapta yaygınlaşması faaliyetini ise ICMA (Uluslararası Klasik Müzik Ödülleri)organizasyonunda Türkiye'yi temsilen yönetim kurulu üyesi ve jüri üyesi olarak 2011 yılından beri sürdürmektedir. 2001 yılından bu yana radyo programcılığı yapan ve Açık Radyo'da radyoculuk serüvenini bugün Borusan Klasik kanalında sürdüren Bali ayrıca 2014-2019 yılları arasında klasikleşmiş büyük oyuncuların yaşadığı mekânlarla tanıtılan 23 bölümlük Batıya Yolculuk adlı müzik belgeselini yayına hazırlayıp sunmuştur. Bali, belgesel 2021 yılından bu yana Habitat TV kanalında varlığını sürdürmekte ve YouTube üzerinde geniş bir değer veren FluTV kanalında ise Aralık 2020’den beri popüler klasik müzik içerikleri üretmektedir.

2016-2019 yılları arasında Okan Üniversitesi Konservatuvarı'nda Opera-Şan'da yüksek lisans eğitimi alan Bali bariton şan sanatçısı olarak son yıllarda konserler de vermektedir. Bali'nin Müzikte Romantik Dönem Bestecileri (Vakıfbank Kültür Yayınları, 3. Baskı, 2020), 200 Yıllık Miras - Muzika-i Hümayun'dan Cumhurbaşkanlığı Senfoni Orkestrası'na (Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, 1. Baskı, 2020), Beethoven: Erken Dönem (Kitap Kurdu Yayınları, 1. Baskı, 2022) adlarıyla yayımlanmış kitapları bulunmaktadır. Serhan Bali evli, biri kız ve biri erkek olmak üzere ikiz çocuk babasıdır.

*Sanat buluşmalarımız üyelerimiz için ücretsiz, misafirler için 500 TL, 12 yaş üstü çocuklar için 250 TL'dir. Misafirlerinizin gezi öncesi dernek hesabımıza bağış olarak yatırılmasını rica ediyoruz.

17 Aralık Salı


13.00-17.00 Haral Design’in keyifli dünyada yeni yıl partisi

Adres: Medusa Evi Restoran, Alemdar, Yerebatan Caddesi No:9, Fatih


*Araç ile gelecek Üyelerimiz için restorana 3 dakika yürüme mesafesinde Günaydın Otopark yer almaktadır. Konumunu paylaşıyoruz.

Günaydın Otopark:



İyilik İçin Sanat Derneği


485.During our art meeting, we are visiting the exhibition "Taviloglu Collection: A Collector's Story", consisting of works accumulated by collector Mustafa Taviloglu for more than 50 years, at Gallery Eyupsultan.

Mustafa Taviloğlu's collection, “A Collector's Story”, which has been created with great passion and dedication since 1972, met the audience at seven different venues in Istanbul. The collection, which spans seven important places on the cultural and artistic map of Istanbul such as Istanbul Painting and Sculpture Museum, Artİstanbul Feshane, Istanbul Sanat, Gazhane Museum, Liquor Factory, Eyüpsultan Gallery and Iş Sanat Kibele Art Gallery, includes 2412 works by 903 artists.

The 52-year-old collection, curatorial arrangements of which were made by Derya Yücel and Marcus Graf, includes works by Bedri R from Hodja Ali Rıza to Osman Hamdi, Halil Pasha to Süleyman Seyyid, Fikret Mualla to Ibrahim Çallı. In addition to the works of dozens of famous Turkish artists, from Eyüboğlu to Cihat Burak, Komet, Mehmet Güleryüz and Burhan Doğançay, the works of many foreign artists are also included. In the exhibition, which offers a wide range of artists, periods, styles, techniques and psychics, it is also possible to see the current works of young artists who have been included in the collection in recent years.

Turkish artists make up 81 percent of the 52-year-old collection, which started with Necdet Kalay's work “Köy Evi” in 1972. The artist of the 2112 works in the collection was born in Turkey. Mustafa Taviloglu started buying the works of foreign artists in 2010, in his own words, at a late period. Foreign artists make up 19 percent of the collection. Painting stands out with 1740 works in the collection. While this figure constitutes 71.6 percent of the collection, 1217 works of figures, 453 works of nature, 424 works of city and 336 works are classified as abstract when examined in terms of theme maintenance. The oldest artist was born in 1814 and the youngest artist was born in 2000, 84 percent of the artists in the collection are alive. This feature also makes the Taviloglu Collection stand out as a living collection. 

We are touring the collection accompanied by Derya Yücel, one of the curators of the exhibition.


*Our art meetings are free for our members, 500 TL for guests and 250 TL for children over the age of 12. For your guests, we ask that they be deposited to our association account as a donation before the trip. 

Tuesday December 10th


Address: Gallery Eyüpsultan, Nisancı, Feshane Caddesi No:31, Eyüpsultan



İyilik İçin Sanat Derneği


484. At our art meeting, the artist, psychiatrist Rahshan Düren presented the exhibition “Verwegenheit” at Tarhan Han. We are visiting in the company of Feride Çelik.

In his artistic practice, which is shaped by a sense of curiosity, Rahşan Düren addresses the problems of individual's alienation from himself and society by approaching the unknown fearlessly. His exhibition titled Verwegenheit, which means “courage” in German, is not just a painting, but a performative installation that invites the viewer to an active participation.

The artist metaphorically Deconstructs the gap between the individual's image in the outside world and his hidden self through the contrast between the exterior and the interior of Beyoğlu's historical Tarhan Han Deconstructs the gap between the individual's image in the outside world and his hidden self. He transforms this space into an “archaeology of the mind” space where the audience can face themselves.

While Düren focuses on the existential problems of man in the world in his art, he performs exhibitions and installations that draw attention to the feelings experienced by the individual. In this context, he takes care that his exhibitions are open to the public in order to make reference to the independence and freedom of art.

Rahshan Düren was born in Germany in 1975. He completed his primary and secondary education in Germany, Switzerland and Italy. He studied Art History, Philosophy and Political Science at RWTH Aachen. he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Cologne in 2002 and received his specialty in Adult Psychiatry from the Faculty of Medicine of Marmara University. He opened his first exhibition in 1993 at the Kunstverein Aachen and Cologne, Germany. He joined Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Sculpture Department as a guest student. Düren, who is the founder and president of the Culture, Art and Nature Association, which aims to develop art in rural regions of Turkey, has been continuing his plastic art and installation oriented works professionally since 2007.



*Our art meetings are free for our members, 500 TL for guests and 250 TL for children over the age of 12. For your guests, we ask that they be deposited as a donation to our association account before the trip. 

*Transportation: Ispark is located opposite Pera Museum for our members who come by car.

Tuesday December 3rd


Address: Tarhan Han, Meşrutiyet Caddesi, 41

Beyoğlu (opposite Rixos Pera)


İyilik İçin Sanat Derneği


483. At our art meeting, we are coming together with the artists of the fifth semester of our One-Year project in the Passage Dec. A Year in the Passage is a project initiated by the Art for Good Association on November 21, 2018. It has come to life with the motivation of meeting the production costs of young artists graduated from the Painting Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts for a year, supporting their visibility and creating a workshop environment for young artists. The workshops are organized by Prof. Painter, who is one of the ideators of the project and is also the coordinator of the project. Dr. It takes place under the supervision of Nedret Sekban and international artist Aslı Özok. Asya Nur Hasgül, Kardelen Erken, Sevilay Şahin and Tuğçe Balcı are the artists of the fifth period who carry out their productions in our workshop located in Denizbank General Directorate. Emir Furkan Tekkalmaz, Fatih Şimşek and Nida Nur Erdoğan, one of the past artists of the project, are taking over the assistant of the project. 

*Our art meetings are free for our members, 500 TL for guests and 250 TL for children over the age of 12. For your guests, we ask that they be deposited to our association account as a donation before the trip. 

*Transportation: There is a parking lot on the left of Denizbank General Directorate for those arriving by car. You can also easily reach Gayrettepe from the Esentepe Metro exit. 

Tuesday November 26th


Address: Denizbank General Directorate, Esentepe, Buyukdere Cd. No:141, Sisli


İyilik İçin Sanat Derneği


482.We are visiting the artist Inci Eviner's workshop during our art meeting.

Inci Eviner's collection of works ranging from drawing and video to performance and collective practices consists of multi-layered works that take their source from drawing. The artist examines how subjectivity is established in her works, especially in which she deals with the politics of power and representation on the female body. The complex relationships that the artist Deconstructs between video technologies and traditional painting suggest a different way of perception. The pattern is at the center of Eviner's work; he defines the starting point of his practice as “expressions created with lines on paper”. He builds his artistic approach by wandering around in an unlimited visual language that spans a wide range from allegories, icons, drawings and mythologies from art history to contemporary ideograms and pictograms, and constantly enriches it. Eviner has developed a unique way of expressing the collective, political and sociocultural aspects of various states of femininity, gender and identity politics. Studying the historical, discursive and subconscious processes that affect our views on identity starting from childhood, the artist sees femininity as a field of unlimited possibilities that cannot be closed to a single image, conception. Based on everyday gestures, Eviner not only questions the forms of representation and the prohibitions that bring these representations to life, but challenges them.

Inci Eviner (b. 1956, Ankara). He graduated from the Department of Painting at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University and received his doctoral degree from the same university. 58 in 2019. She represented Turkey at the Venice Biennale Turkey Pavilion. he had a comprehensive retrospective at the Istanbul Modern Art Museum in 2016. He took part in the Frieze Sculpture 2024 edition curated by Fatoş Üstek at The Regent's Park. Eviner's solo exhibitions include Drawing Center, New York (2 Dec 2015); Espace Chatelain, Brussels (2013); Musée d'art Paris (2011); Whitechapel Gallery, London (2009); He has exhibitions at MAC/VAL and Vitry-sur-Seine (2009). He participated in group exhibitions and biennials at the British Museum, London (2019-2020); Hayward Gallery, Southbank Center, London (2018-2019); Liverpool Biennale (2018); Q21 Exhibition Space, Museums Quartier Wien (2018); Gwangju Biennale (2018); Municipal Museum of Jena (2018) and 13th International Biennale. It is the Istanbul Biennial (2013). he was awarded the Sharjah Biennial prize in 2017. She has been invited to many guest artist programs, including the Rauschenberg Foundation, Florida (Dec 2017); SAM Art Projects (2010) and Leube, Salzburg (2005). Eviner has works in important international collections such as Deutsche Bank Collection, Centre Pompidou Paris, Istanbul Museum of Modern Art, Guggenheim New York and TBA21 Vienna. The artist lives and works in Istanbul.

*Our art meetings are free for our members, 500 TL for guests and 250 TL for children over the age of 12. For your guests, we ask that they be deposited to our association account as a donation before the trip. 

Tuesday November 19th


Address: Piri Paşa Neighborhood, Kalaycı Bahçe Sokak No: 9B Hasköy / Beyoğlu