EXHIBITION: Baby Cistern - Plastic Waves

Bebek Sarnıcı - Plastik Dalgalar

This special project, initiated in July 2022 with the aim of raising awareness about sea pollution and its impact, was brought to life by the Good for Art Association. Bebek residents are bringing the waste they find underwater to the shore as part of their fight against pollution. They identify areas in the seabed filled with plastic waste, discarded bottles, and other debris, and capture photographs for the purpose of creating an archive.

The managers of the Good for Art Association, who are passionate about the sea, aim to draw the attention of Istanbul’s public to sea pollution through an artistic project when they see the waste materials extracted from the sea. The project is well-received by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, which aims to instill environmental awareness in the people of Istanbul and lends support by allocating the historic Bebek Cistern. Thus, the Plastic Waves Exhibition comes to life.

Jacques-Yves Cousteau’s words, “As long as the oceans live, humanity will not perish,” add a powerful meaning to the Plastic Waves Exhibition. It underscores the symbiotic relationship between nature and humanity, which are intertwined. However, today, this balance is increasingly being disrupted, and in a magical waterway that separates two continents like the Istanbul Strait, environmental threats are becoming apparent. The coastline at Bebek, which once resembled a scene from fairy tales, now harshly reminds us of a hidden reality. The widespread invasion of plastic waste that shadows the beauty of the strait also affects marine life.

The exhibition, titled “Plastic Waves,” serves as a mirror to the future of our seas. It shows us the destructive effects of existing sea pollution in the Istanbul Strait, both below and above the sea surface. Thus, it emphasizes that plastic waves represent the silent cry of nature.

Jacques-Yves Cousteau’s statement guides the Plastic Waves Exhibition: Polluting the seas not only endangers natural life but also threatens the health of humanity. This exhibition convey the reality that sea pollution is not just an environmental issue but also a serious threat to societies and future generations.

The exhibition sheds light on sea pollution in the Istanbul Strait and invites visitors to think, take action, and raise awareness about the need to protect the seas. The young generations representing our future deserve clean seas and a healthy world. The Plastic Waves Exhibition reminds us that each of us can be a part of the solution to this issue.

This exhibition emphasizes that communities can shape the future of the seas and carry the responsibility of creating a sustainable future. Taking a step can initiate a significant societal awareness movement. Together, “We can stop the Plastic Waves.”

The exhibition, which tells the heart-wrenching story of sea pollution through photographs taken on the jewel of the Istanbul Strait, Bebek beach, is not just a visual spectacle but also a call to action. It reminds us that we need to take steps to protect our seas and secure our future.

Küratör / Curator: Hicran Aksöz
Fotoğraflar / Photos: Mehmet Sinan Soner