491. We are visiting the artist Nermin Ülker's workshop during our Art Meeting.

born in Karadeniz Ereğli district of Zonguldak in 1974, Nermin Ülker studied at Zeynep Kamil Health Vocational High School. Ülker, who worked as a nurse in many hospitals in Istanbul after Eastern Anatolia, continued her education with Işık University with her passion for art. in 2012, she graduated from the Visual Arts Sculpture Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Işık University in Istanbul, and then from the Master's degree program at the Art Theory and Criticism Program of the Institute of Social Sciences of Işık University. He taught sculpture at the same school for a while. The artist has participated in almost 30 national and international group exhibitions, 4 of which are personal. While the artist positions his three-dimensional works in space, he calls us to think about the works through our own journey on the axis of concepts such as inner-outer, objective-subjective, near-far by confronting this tension between the experiential ends that we do not focus on Decently in everyday life.

Based on the idea that Merleau-Ponty tries to make it visible how Cezanne's paintings touch us, we witness that the spatial space that we do not notice in the rush of daily life in Nermin Ülker's works, as we pass through and out, disappears under our feet, is transformed into a poetic language that is torn from the plane or floor, bent, stretched and pulled, verticalized and mediates our spatial existence. All this creation manifests itself in the work in the process of mutual formation, the bodily movements of the artist during the intervention of the material. In the process of making sense of the existence within the artist's work, it is like the rope that Ariadne gave Theseus to get out of the maze.

Space has a decisive role in Nermin Ülker's artistic production process. When we look at his life, his system of thought, it is clear that this preference is not accidental. We can easily reach the conclusion that the artist established this transparency not through his personal life or stories, but directly through his works and the names he calls them.

Ülker continues his art studies in his workshop located at the Maslak Atatürk Auto Industry Site in Istanbul. 

*Our art meetings are free for our members, 500 TL for guests and 250 TL for children over the age of 12. For your guests, we ask that they be deposited to our association account as a donation before the trip. 

Tuesday January 28th


Address: Maslak Atatürk Auto Industry 2. Section 26. Street No:1108 
